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Stretching video series


Stretching video series

Dynamic stretching video to help you warm up before a workout

Dynamic stretching is the perfect warm up because it activates muscles and blood flow, reducing the risk of injury. In week 5 of our stretching video series, exercise therapist Lucia Farina from  FRAME focuses on a dynamic stretching 

woman stretching shoulder, pilates,

Stretching video series

Upper body feeling stiff? These shoulder and arm posture exercises could help

Feeling stiff from exercise or want to improve your posture? Week four of our Resistance Stretching series with exercise therapist Lucia Farina from London fitness studio FRAME focuses on the shoulder and chest muscles.  Learning how to stretch properly is important to reduce your risk of injury, quicken muscle recovery, improve flexibility and posture. This week you will […]

woman stretching bridge, pilates, resistance stretching, featured .jpg

Stretching video series

Got neck pain? This resistance stretching video could help

Week three of our Resistance Stretching series with exercise therapist Lucia Farina from London fitness studio FRAME focuses on back and neck muscles


Stretching video series

Got lower back pain? This resistance stretching video will help

In our latest stretching video, Lucia Farina from London fitness studio FRAME focuses on glutes and posterior hip muscles to ease lower back pain

Stretching video series

Resistance stretching to lengthen muscles – new video series starts today

Our new five part series in Resistance Stretching, exercise therapist Lucia Farina from London fitness studio FRAME demonstrates a series of moves to relax and release