Wasting your life on Facebook? Ursula Fleming, from new online course portal FeedMyHappy reveals five new ways we can limit our net use and improve our online wellbeing
Suddenly awaken from a stupor, staring at a screen, realising hours have passed and wonder where the time went? This probably sounds irritatingly familiar and often to make matters worse, it’s past midnight. Not only that, you have to wake up early and forgot, till now, the majority of tasks you were meant to complete.
The internet has a wealth of information and entertainment; why is it then so easy to end up spending so much time stalking friends of friends of friends on Facebook and looking at pictures of make-upless, dishevelled celebrities?
Time we enjoy wasting is not wasted time, but mindless browsing can leave us tired, bored and seeking alternatives. Here are five ways to minimise the time you waste online.
1. Looking at Pictures of Cute Animals
Sometimes at the end of a bad day, when I find myself damning the world, my newsfeed pops up with the friendship of two unlikely baby animals and suddenly I’m filled with warmth again. There is a reason cats (the monarchs of the internet) have regained the veneration they enjoyed in Ancient Egypt. Looking at pictures of cute animals provides an instant shot of good feeling. This tenderness also has productive consequences; a study published in 2012 by Hiroshima University showed that viewing cute animals improves focus and attention to detail.
2. Limiting Social Media Use
Most social media outlets exhibit themselves as champions of social connection, friendship and relationship development. However, they can be a stalkers dream. There’s no longer any need to be ‘just passing through’ our exes hang-out places in dark glasses and an unfamiliar outfit. Everyone glances over the online profiles of past relationships, but it can get out of control. Whether comparing ourselves to others, living vicariously through an exaggerated online profile or dwelling on the past: social media habits can become unhealthy if not curbed.
3. Expanding your music taste and collection
There are some people who will tell you music isn’t any good nowadays. But it’s rather there is such a mass of it, it can take a bit more searching; there is no shortage of music discovery sites to find bands and artists you love. Tastemakers and music bloggers do the digging for you, so if you find one that you really like, your ears will never be exhausted by stale playlists. Music’s cathartic effect makes it a valuable addiction, and new or random music has been linked to an increase in dopamine. Being able to support talented new musicians is an added extra.
4. Taking an online course
The internet is an amazing resource to empower ourselves through learning. Self-teaching can have impressive value. Take Li Ka-Shing as an example, once the richest man in Asia, he ‘attributes much of his success to his ability to learn independently.’Brand new company FeedMyHappy, a platform for online well-being and self-development courses, makes online learning fun and accessible.
Joining FeedMyHappy gives you access to a wide range of courses from writing to mindfulness, with new tutors and courses being added all the time. FeedMyHappy also provides access to a community to discuss your goals and ambitions with like minded members.
5. Joining an internet community
It’s frustrating when you are bursting to talk about a certain topic, programme, or artist and no one around you has much interest. Our tastes are so personal and varied, but there is bound to be someone out there on the internet with the same thing on their mind. This is an incredibly comforting thought. For the many people who thought they were the only one, sharing interests and opinions online is a revelation. Online communities cover every topic that comes to mind – and a few I couldn’t have imagined if I’d tried. The stigma around speaking to new people online has almost completely dropped away in the last few years. Through being able to swap tips and even make firm friendships, these communities can bring newfound positivity to your browsing habits.
Ursula Fleming is an English literature graduate, creative writer and reviewer from Scotland. She currently works for FeedMyHappy: the go to place online for people looking for happiness and personal development courses.
Twitter: @feedmyhappy
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