From kale and seaweed to egg white, hit one of our favourite healthy crisps when that 4pm hunger hits
BEST FOR: a quick and filling snack on the go – Popchips (editor’s pick)
How they are made: These crisps are not fried, not baked, rather they are pressurized with heat until they pop.
Why they are healthy: These have half the fat of normal crisps as well as no artificial ingredients and only 94 calories per bag.
The taste: We tried the Sea Salt flavour and the crunch mixed with the saltiness made for a small moment of heaven. The starchy taste of the potato was complemented by the not too overpowering salt flavour. We could not stop eating them and the whole bag was gone much too soon.
(buy Popchips Here for £18 bags per pack of 24)
BEST FOR: veggie addicts – Giving Tree Vegetable Crisps
How they are made: These crisps are 100 per cent freeze-dried vegetable or fruit. Thin slices are cut and fried lightly at a low temperature.
Why they are healthy: One bag of crisps accounts for one fifth of your daily fruit/vegetable intake and while these crisps are 170 calories, all of the calories comes from the fruit or vegetable itself. Therefore is is still healthy and you can go eat a pack of them guilt free.
The taste: We sampled the Pumpkin Crisps and could not stop eating them.With all the different flavours, each tasted only of the vegetable. No taste of added salt
(buy Giving Tree’s Crisps HERE for £1.78/bag)
BEST FOR: health junkies – Inspiral’s Crispy Purple Corn Chips
How they are made: No frying in hot oil for these crisps. The kale is air-dried and then coated with the cashew and purple corn mixture.
Why they are healthy: These kale chips have no trans-fats are 100 per cent natural, gluten free and vegan. While these snacks are 150 calories, most of it comes from the cashew coating which also provides healthy fats and proteins. Even the packaging is biodegradable.
The taste: These crisps have the crunch of the kale with the flavour of the cashew-purple corn mix. This mix simulates the taste of cheese with no dairy added.
( Buy Inspiral’s Crispy Purple Corn Crisps HERE for £3.79/bag.)
BEST FOR: sticking in your bag mid-afternoon munch – SeaVeg Crispies
How they are made: Just seaweed and bit of salt, that’s all. Flash baked at a high temperature in an oven for just a few minutes creates this crispy, slightly salty seaweed snack.
Why are they healthy: Only 28 Calories, and almost negligible amounts of fat and salt, these crisps couldn’t get much healthier for you. The ingredients list is only 4 things ( two types of oil, seaweed, and salt) so you know that this is good for you.
The taste: The salt perfectly complements the seaweed as it melts into your mouth. This was another crisp in the the last that before we knew it we had finished the whole pack before we knew it.
(Buy SeaVeg Crispies HERE for £2.07/ Pack)
BEST FOR: People on paleo or low-carb diets Two Chick’s Chrips
How they are made: egg-white is whipped with the other ingredients, plopped out on a tray and baked.
Why they are good for you: These little bites of pure egg white contain 8.5g of protein per pack which compensates for the 110 calories from the eggs.Even though these might not be the healthiest crisps, they are good for people with dietary restrictions to still get their protein and a good snack as well.
The taste: The crisps have intense flavours ranging from jalapeno to salt and black pepper. The taste lingers long after the snack is finished, making you feel fuller longer. (buy them at Selfridges, Whole Foods, and some Tesco for a store determined price)
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