Anti-ageing workouts - Healthista

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Anti-ageing workouts


Anti-ageing workouts

Anti-ageing body weight workout to help slow down signs of ageing

An anti-ageing workout that focus on reducing the risk of age related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke – here’s workout three in our series


Anti-ageing workouts

Anti-ageing workout – 25-minute routine for balance, core and pelvic floor strength

Part two of our anti-ageing workouts series with Dr Annabelle Johnstone-Dougall, Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Sports Scientist


Anti-ageing workouts

Anti-ageing workout – 25-minute resistance training circuit

Healthista brings you anti-ageing workouts in a three part series with Annabelle Johnstone-Dougall, Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Sports Scientist. These workouts focus on specific moves to help target ageing factors in the body – here’s workout one   Exercise may not be the fountain of youth, but it certainly can slow down the ageing process and some of […]