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What is your current age? Under 4040 - 4445 - 4950 - 5455 – 60Over 60
Are you EmployedUnemployedSelf-employed
Are you MarriedDivorcedSingleIn a relationship
Do you have children? YesNo
Do you think you're menopausal? YesNoDon't know
Have you experienced any of the common menopausal symptoms? YesNo
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms?
Hot Flushes YesNo
Night Sweats YesNo
Brain Fog YesNo
Palpitations YesNo
Anxiety YesNo
Irritability YesNo
Low Mood/Depression YesNo
Weight Gain YesNo
Insomnia YesNo
Fatigue YesNo
Aching bones YesNo
Thinning hair YesNo
Dry skin YesNo
Vaginal Dryness YesNo
Painful sex YesNo
Stiff Joints YesNo
Loss of Libido YesNo
What age did you notice your first symptoms of menopause? Under 4040 - 4445 - 4950 - 5455 – 60Over 60
Did you feel well informed about the menopause before experiencing symptoms? YesNo
Did you understand the changes in your hormones before experiencing your menopause symptoms? YesNo
Have menopause symptoms affected your home life? YesNo
Has menopause affected your relationship with your children? YesNoNot Applicable
Has the menopause affected your relationship with your partner? YesNoNot Applicable
Has the menopause affected your relationship with your friends? YesNoNot Applicable
Have you discussed symptoms/experience with your family? YesNo
Have you discussed symptoms/experience with your friends? YesNo
Have any of the below been your coping mechanisms? YesNo
Alcohol Abuse YesNo
Smoking/ E-cigarettes YesNo
Excessive Exercise YesNo
Seeking out medications YesNo
Sleeping Pills YesNo
Sleeping all the time YesNo
Avoiding social situations YesNo
Avoiding communication with friends and family YesNo
Have your friends or family ever commented on your change of mood/behaviour during your menopause? YesNo
Have your menopause symptoms affected you at work? YesNo
Have you discussed symptoms with your employer/line manager? YesNo
Do you feel comfortable talking to your employer/line manager about your symptoms? YesNo
In the past year, how much time have you taken off work due to menopausal symptoms or seeing health care providers to deal with symptoms? (Either using sickness or annual leave) None1 - 5 days6 - 12 daysMORE than 12 days
Does your current place of work offer menopausal aid? YesNoNot Applicable
Would you like your employer to provide menopause help and information through your workplace? YesNoNot Sure
Has the menopause affected your sex life? YesNo
Have you spoken about how the menopause has affected your sex life with your partner? YesNoNot Applicable
Are you currently taking HRT? YesNo
Did you have reservations worries on taking HRT? YesNo
Have your Health Care Services been receptive to your symptoms and advised you well on menopause? YesNo
Did your doctor prescribe you other medication before HRT? YesNoNot Applicable
How easy has it been to find and receive support/advice about menopause that is personal to you at your GP or other practices? YesNo
Was it helpful to have access to menopause advise all in one place? YesNo
Was the pack easy to use? (on the tube, train, lunch break, evenings) YesNo
What menopause symptoms have you overcome/been helped with after learning from the Menopause Pack experts? Tick multiple if needed Hot FlushesNight SweatsBrain FogPalpitationsAnxietyIrritabilityLow Mood/DepressionWeight GainInsomniaFatigueAching bonesThinning hairDry skinVaginal DrynessPainful sexStiff JointsLoss of LibidoIBS
Did you feel overwhelmed by all of the information? YesNoMaybe
Did you find it easy to apply the advise to your everyday life? YesNoMaybe
Has the Menopause Pack made you feel more confident when speaking to your family and friends about your symptoms? YesNo
Has the Menopause Pack made you feel more confident when speaking to your colleagues/employer about your symptoms? YesNo
Since purchasing the Menopause Pack, on a SCALE of 1-5 how clear is your understanding now on what happens during the menopause? YesNo
Would you recommend Healthista's Menopause Pack? YesNo